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الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionبرنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android Emptyبرنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android

Cardiograph v3.2

برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android 71ba810f8ded.original

برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android 1424895047621

Cardiograph is an application which measures your heart rate. You can  save your results for future reference and keep track of multiple people  with individual profiles.

Cardiograph uses your device's built-in camera or dedicated sensor to calculate your heart's rhythm - the same approach used by professional medical equipment!

- Measure your heart rate

It's  never been easier to know what your heart rate is! Without any external  hardware, just using the built-in camera/sensor of your smartphone or  tablet, you can get accurate readings almost instantly.

- Know how fast your heart is beating

It  can be very useful while exercising, if you're under stress, if you  have a heart-related medical condition, or even just out of curiosity.

- Track your results

Every measurement you take is saved to your personal history, so you can keep track over time.

- Multiple profiles

Cardiograph  is perfectly tailored to allow multiple people to use the app on a  shared device. You can create profiles for each of your family members  or friends, and each of them has their own individual measurement  history.

- Clean and intuitive design

The  streamlined and clutter-free design makes it seem instantly familiar,  so you can focus on using the app instead of navigating through series  of screens.

- Android Wear support

Cardiograph  is specifically designed with Android Wear support. You can measure  your pulse using the hear rate sensor in your smartwatch. Please note  that Cardiograph will work on smartwatches with a heart rate sensor  only.

Please  note: If your device doesn't have a built-in camera flash, you need to  take your measurements in a well lit environment (bright sunlight or  close to a light source).

برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android 1424901344261

برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android TsOxwu
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شكـرآ لك

بإنتظار جديدك

برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android 866468155

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ليت الامر كان بهذه السهولة..
والا ما اتعب الاطباء انفسهم بدراسة جهاز رسم القلب..او استخدامه رغم التعقيد برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android 3652757785
انا اتعذب في دراسته وكيفية عمله برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android 2802439588
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descriptionبرنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android Emptyرد: برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android

شكراً لكَ على الموضوع
بإنتظار جديدك .•

descriptionبرنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android Emptyرد: برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android

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برنامج لقياس نبضات القلب Cardiograph v3.2 Android
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