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descriptionتحميل لعبة رائعة Last Horizon v1.0 للأندرويد Emptyتحميل لعبة رائعة Last Horizon v1.0 للأندرويد

Last Horizon v1.0

تحميل لعبة رائعة Last Horizon v1.0 للأندرويد 499c16e72712.original

Pilot the last vessel of a fallen civilization into the vast unknown, in search of a new habitable world.
Carefully land on the planets you will encounter to gather terraforming resources and space-faring human survivors for the final destination... skillful piloting and the balanced management of fuel, oxygen & hull integrity are key.

Explore and harvest to create a beautiful and harmonious new world, but take too much and you might incur the wrath of sentient alien life...


-Procedurally generated planets and arrangements, no two gameplay sessions are exactly alike.

-4 game modes : First 3 [ Flights A, B & C ] have the planet positions relatively similar, Flight X is a new and vastly different arrangement every playthrough.

-Elegant & minimal art design... the first Pixeljam game to break out of its established retro aesthetic.

-1+ hour of meditative background music.

Screen Shots

تحميل لعبة رائعة Last Horizon v1.0 للأندرويد 52793ca42b91.original

تحميل لعبة رائعة Last Horizon v1.0 للأندرويد Ded1ef67be89.original

Additional information

Updated November 19, 2015
Installs 1000 - 5000
Requires Android Android 2.3 and up
Offered By Noodlecake Studios Inc

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