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descriptionHow To Make Buttermilk Pancakes  EmptyHow To Make Buttermilk Pancakes

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How To Make Buttermilk Pancakes

How To Make Buttermilk Pancakes  How-to-make-buttermilk-pancakes-2.WideMediumButtermilk Pancakes recipe. These American-style pancakes make a wonderful breakfast or a snack any time in the day.

Step 1: You will need:Units: Metric US Imperial UK Imperial

  • 280 g flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 eggs , beaten
  • 600 ml buttermilk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 50 g butter , melted
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • for the garnish:
  • some maple syrup
  • some fruit
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 whisk
  • 1 frying pan
  • 1 spatula
  • 1 plate
  • 1 ladle

  • Serves:
  • 6 to 8
  • Preparation Time:
  • 5 minutes
  • Cooking Time:
  • 20 minutes

  1. Step 2: Combine the dry ingredients

    Begin by mixing the flour, baking soda, baking powder, sugar and salt, together.

  2. Step 3: Combine the wet ingredients

    Add the eggs, buttermilk, vanilla and the butter into the same bowl. Only mix until just combined. Don't worry about lumps at this stage.

  3. Step 4: Fry the pancakes

    Heat the frying pan on a medium heat.
    Add a little bit of oil. Ladle one portion of batter into the frying pan. Fry for roughly three minutes. Or until bubbles start to rise on the top of the pancake. Carefully flip it over to the over side. Don't worry if the batter runs out the sides. Fry for roughly 1 minute on this side. When it turns a golden brown, remove it from the pan. Place it onto a plate. Repeat the frying process until the rest are cooked.

  4. Step 5: Garnish and serve

    Now garnish some fresh fruit, like strawberries and a generous drizzle of maple syrup. Serve.

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i like this kind of sweet thanks aloooooot dear

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