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descriptionHow To Make Poached Eggs  EmptyHow To Make Poached Eggs

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How To Make Poached Eggs

How To Make Poached Eggs  How-to-make-poached-eggs.WideMediumPoached Eggs Recipe. Why not try poached eggs instead of the usual boiled or fried? You'll soon get hooked! A great accompaniment to toast. Relish our Poached Eggs recipe.

Step 1: You will need …Units: Metric US Imperial UK Imperial

  • 4 eggs
  • 5 tbsp vinegar
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • pepper
  • 1 frying pan
  • 4 rings
  • 1 fish slice
  • 4 ramekins

  • Serves:
  • 4
  • Preparation Time:
  • 2 minutes
  • Cooking Time:
  • 10 minutes

  1. Step 2: Heat the water

    Place a pan, half filled with water, on a medium heat. Add the vinegar and salt. Place the four metal rings in the pan and bring to a simmer.

  2. Step 3: Break the eggs into the ramekins

    Crack one egg on the side of the ramekin and then carefully break it in. Repeat with the remaining 3 eggs.

  3. Step 4: Poach the eggs

    Carefully pour each egg into one of the four rings and leave to cook for 3-4 minutes.

  4. Step 5: Remove the rings

    With a cloth to protect your hands remove the metal rings from the pan, leaving the eggs still in.

  5. Step 6: Serve

    Take the pan off the heat and serve the eggs immediately on some toast, seasoning to taste just before serving.

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