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descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 EmptyReal Colors Pro v1.0.4


Real Colors Pro v1.0.4 0041

Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

Android 2.1+

Extract color schemes from pictures.

Real Colors Pro v1.0.4 904662269

استخراج الألوان من الصور.

توليد الألوان والمواضيع لون جميل من الصور. نحن نساعد المصممين
والفنانين أو صناع الحرف الحصول على إلهام اللون من الحياة الحقيقية، وقبض
على لوحات الألوان الحقيقية من الصور باستخدام خوارزميات متقدمة لاستخراج
الألوان تلقائيا.
التطبيق يستخدم وسائط شعبية جيل لون نظرية مثل monocromatic، الثالوث،
وظلال، analogus، تكميلية، وتقسيم مكمل أو الرباعيات لإنشاء موضوع لون
مثالية لمشروعك المقبل. انها مثل باستخدام الأداة اللون أداة لصناعة
السيارات في الحياة الحقيقية.

Extract color schemes from pictures.

Generate color schemes and beautiful color themes from images. We help
designers, artists or craft makers get color inspiration from real life,
capture real color palettes from images by using advanced algorithms to
automatically extract colors.
The app uses popular color theory generation modes like monocromatic,
triad, shades, analogus, complementary, split complementary or tetrad to
create the perfect color theme for your next project. It's like using
an auto color snap tool in real life.
- *NEW* Automatically extract harmonious color schemes from images using
a wide range of color theory generation modes: complementary,
monochromatic, analogous, shades, triad, tetrad or split complementary
- *NEW* Generate beautiful wallpapers from your favorite color schemes
- Automatically generate the color spectrum over the processed image
- Colors can be easily edited
- Find out detailed information about the colors including HEX, RGB and HSB values
- Save color schemes in a Library for future reference and sharing
- Color schemes can be exported by email, including color spectrum information, and color values in HEX, RGB and HSB.
- Share your favorite color schemes with your friends on Facebook
Q: How does it work?
A: After taking a photo using your camera, the app processes all the
colors in the image by using a really clever algorithm and selects 5
colors in such a way that the resulting color scheme is harmonious and
best represents the image. If you have Real Colors Pro version, you will
be able to add up some spice to our algorithm by choosing a color
theory generation mode like monocromatic, triad, shades, analogous,
complementary, split complementary or tetrad.
Q: What is the difference between Real Colors Lite and Real Colors Pro?
A: There are two big advantages for downloading Real Colors Pro: Real
Colors Pro helps you get really inspired by generating color schemes
using popular color generation modes: monocromatic, triad, shades,
analogous, complementary, split complementary or tetrad. Second, Real
Colors Pro makes your device look gorgeous by generating beautiful
wallpapers from the color schemes.
Q: How fast is the application?
A: Because image processing is a time consuming job, we worked hard to
make our algorithms work really fast ('n furious). It will usually take
around 1-2 seconds on regular phones to generate the color schemes for
one image. We think that is pretty fast!
Q: How can I use the color schemes generated with Real Colors?
A: All the color schemes are saved in the app Library for further
referencing and sharing. You can export the color schemes to your Gmail
account or to another email account. You can also share them on
Q: Can I export my color schemes as Adobe Photoshop swatch?
A: We plan to implement export functionality to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Q: Can I share my color schemes with friends from Facebook, Twitter of Google+?
A: You can share your color schemes with friends on Facebook. Depending
on your feedback, we might also implement sharing to Twitter and Google+
in the next updates, so please let us know what you think.
We tested our application on the following devices:
Samsung Galaxy S, Nexus One, Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy II, Samsung Galaxy Ace, Samsung Epic 4G,
HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD, HTC Evo 4G
Motorola Defy, Motorola Atrix,
LG Optimus Black
Sony Ericsson XPeria Arc, XPeria X8
Tablets: Samsung Galaxy Tab, Asus Prime Transformer

What's in this version:

Created workarounds to fix device bugs on M9 and MEIZU MX
Fixed several bugs

More Info:

Download Instructions:

Released by chathu_ac

Real Colors Pro v1.0.4 0041

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

.. شكــرآإ جزيــلـآإ ..

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

Real Colors Pro v1.0.4 2935028604

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

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بإنتظآر كل جديد منكـ

Real Colors Pro v1.0.4 866468155

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

شكرا لك

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

يعَـطيككَ آلععآفَيـةةهه!

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4

شكرا لك

descriptionReal Colors Pro v1.0.4 Emptyرد: Real Colors Pro v1.0.4


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