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descriptionWe Never Said Farewell EmptyWe Never Said Farewell

We Never Said Farewell

WE never said farewell, nor even looked
Our last upon each other, for no sign
Was made when we the linkèd chain unhooked
And broke the level line.

And here we dwell together, side by side,
Our places fixed for life upon the chart.
Two islands that the roaring seas divide
Are not more far apart.

Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

descriptionWe Never Said Farewell Emptyرد: We Never Said Farewell

وآآآوات كيف هالابدااععَ صار ياتري !!

عنجد ابدااع حتي في احرفككك

ننتذر المزيد من ابدعاتكك وكلماتكك

مع تحياتي الغاليهه للتقدم والاستمرار ..$


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