The Best
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The Bestدخول
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descriptionWhile Someone Telephones EmptyWhile Someone Telephones

While Someone Telephones

Wasted, wasted minutes that couldn't be worse,
minutes of a barbaric condescension.
--Stare out the bathroom window at the fir-trees,
at their dark needles, accretions to no purpose
woodenly crystallized, and where two fireflies
are only lost.
Hear nothing but a train that goes by, must go by, like tension;
nothing. And wait:
maybe even now these minutes' host
emerges, some relaxed uncondescending stranger,
the heart's release.
And while the fireflies
are failing to illuminate these nightmare trees
might they not be his green gay eyes.

Elizabeth Bishop

descriptionWhile Someone Telephones Emptyرد: While Someone Telephones

شُكًـرآ َجزيـلآ لَكِ ..
بآنتظَـآر جًديدكِـ ~
While Someone Telephones 698882594

descriptionWhile Someone Telephones Emptyرد: While Someone Telephones

يعطيككِ آلعإآففية . . #’

descriptionWhile Someone Telephones Emptyرد: While Someone Telephones

شكرآ لكـ

بإنتظار كل جديد منكـ

While Someone Telephones 866468155

descriptionWhile Someone Telephones Emptyرد: While Someone Telephones

مشكور على هذا المــوضوع ..!
الرائع و المميـــز #
بإنتظار جديدك
في أمـــآن الله ~

I love you

descriptionWhile Someone Telephones Emptyرد: While Someone Telephones

While Someone Telephones TkcIj

descriptionWhile Someone Telephones Emptyرد: While Someone Telephones

شكرا لك على الموضوع

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While Someone Telephones
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