The Best
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

The Bestدخول
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أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
1030 المساهمات
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Bob Briggs went in for Government,
And helps to run the State;
Some day they say he'll represent
His party in debate:
But with punk politics his job,
I do not envy Bob.

Jim Jones went in for writing books,
Best sellers were his aim;
He's ten years younger than he looks,
And licks the heels of Fame:
Though shop-girls make a fuss of him
I do not envy Jim.

Joe Giles went in for grabbing gold,
And grovelled in the dirt;
He, too, looks prematurely old,
His gastric ulcers hurt:
Although he has a heap of dough.
I do not envy Joe.

I've neither fame nor power nor wealth,
I fish and hunt for food;
But I have heaps of rugged health,
And life seems mighty good.
So when my class-mates come to spend
A week-end in my shack,
With lake and wood at journey's end
--They envy Jack.

Robert William Service

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بسممم آلله الرحمآن آلرحييممم ..$ Class-Mates 1099716758
آلسلامممَ عليكمم ورحمتةة اللهه وبركآته♥~
كيفك اتمني لك الخير والسلامم...؟!!!
شكرآ علي هذا الموضوع الجميل ..#
والرائعع دائما تقدمون لنا الافضل !
Class-Mates 804695
شكرآ لكمم ونتمني منكمم الاستمرار و
" النجاح " !! مع تحياتي ...#
Class-Mates 2748280943

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