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descriptionStreet Lanterns EmptyStreet Lanterns

Street Lanterns

Country roads are yellow and brown.
We mend the roads in London town.

Never a hansom dare come nigh,
Never a cart goes rolling by.

An unwonted silence steals
In between the turning wheels.

Quickly ends the autumn day,
And the workman goes his way,

Leaving, midst the traffic rude,
One small isle of solitude,

Lit, throughout the lengthy night,
By the little lantern's light.

Jewels of the dark have we,
Brighter than the rustic's be.

Over the dull earth are thrown
Topaz, and the ruby stone.

Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

descriptionStreet Lanterns Emptyرد: Street Lanterns

وآآآوات كيف هالابدااععَ صار ياتري !!

عنجد ابدااع حتي في احرفككك

ننتذر المزيد من ابدعاتكك وكلماتكك

مع تحياتي الغاليهه للتقدم والاستمرار ..$


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