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The Bestدخول
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أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
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46 المساهمات
14 المساهمات
8 المساهمات
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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionvery important *do it if you are a true muslim Emptyvery important *do it if you are a true muslim


El salamou alaykom brothers and sisters in islam hope that everyone is in a good state of health

Bismillahi el rahmen el rahim wa el salatou wa el salamou aala mouhammed ashrafi el morsaline

Mouhammed pbuh may allah join us with him in the highest paradise taught
us to seek knowledj our prophet said ***:**see knowledj from the
cradle to the grave
also it'sa duety for all Muslims
allah said: allah rise whom believe and whom get knowledj in diferrents grads

try to follow and do what mouhammed salla alahu aalyhi wa sallam said to
make this ummah in the top and we were in the top before but when we
left the way of sunnah and we left the quran we lost ,look if we look
how the islamic ummah ,were in the period of golden age why we can't
rise this ummah this bless ummah
once again ,it's so easy our prophet said: i let tow imprtant thing if
you hold them you'll never lost which were are the sunnah and quran
why we look for the EU and we were the great and the first ummah
just follow the way of prophet mouhammed pbuh
hope that everyone try to practise the sunnah everywhere wherever you
want and think that you are in the right way ,also mouhammed pbuh said:
who saw bad thing he have to change it .by his hand if he can't ,so by
his tongue ,if he can't , so by the heart and that is the week
very important *do it if you are a true muslim 19wa el salamou alaykom

descriptionvery important *do it if you are a true muslim Emptyرد: very important *do it if you are a true muslim

very important *do it if you are a true muslim The_be10

descriptionvery important *do it if you are a true muslim Emptyرد: very important *do it if you are a true muslim


يســلمو ع ـلـى الــم ــوضوع آلآكثـر من رآئـع

آبـدع × آبـدآع


لآ ع ـدم ..

descriptionvery important *do it if you are a true muslim Emptyرد: very important *do it if you are a true muslim

شكرآ لكـ

لآ عدمـ من موآضيعكـ المميزة

descriptionvery important *do it if you are a true muslim Emptyرد: very important *do it if you are a true muslim


شكــرآ لكـ .. بإنتــظآر كـل جديدكـ

very important *do it if you are a true muslim 866468155

descriptionvery important *do it if you are a true muslim Emptyرد: very important *do it if you are a true muslim

شكرًا لك على الموضوع

very important *do it if you are a true muslim 866468155
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very important *do it if you are a true muslim
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