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الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 EmptyEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4


EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4
Requirements: Android
Overview: Stylish 10-day forecast with Widgets, Barometer and
Weather Clock from the leading weather provider. EWeather HD is a handy
assistant that is easy-to-use and of great help in everyday life. Take
advantage of it whenever you go outdoors to have only positive
experience from your activities!
EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 WYXwQ EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 GzpoN

10 حالة الطقس اليوم يبين
مرحلة من طلوع القمر القمر ، moonset ، للشروق والغروب ، ودرجة الحرارة
ليلا ونهارا ، وسرعة الرياح واتجاهها والرطوبة والأشعة فوق البنفسجية
(كثافة الشمس فوق البنفسجية) المستوى ، فرصة لهطول الأمطار.

When we intend to do something important we try to take into account
every detail. But even when it seems that everything was done for
successful realization of our aims, nature may unexpectedly interfere
with our plans. With EWeather HD you can be secured against any weather
surprises. Enjoy a detailed weather forecast for 10 days ahead available
right from your phone. A glance is enough to choose the right clothes
for the day.

eWeather will help you to plan your outdoor activities with the amazing
accuracy. Just take a look on eWeather’s clock (hourly-forecast) and
you'll be informed when you should take an umbrella and when the staying
on the sun do not require the additional UV protection.

The most interesting thing is a Barometer. Barometer is a diagram
showing the pressure changes during the past 24 hours. Now you always
know the cause of headache if it is linked with changes in the air
pressure. When Barometer detects pressure changes then it signals with a
red color.

67,000 cities available from cities list, by GPS or USA ZIP code.

Very low traffic usage: 5 KBytes per city.

The most interesting features:
* Unique graphics interface
* Widgets
* Barometer
* World analog clock for any location with hourly forecast
* 10-day weather forecast for day and night time
* Current conditions
* hour-by-hour weather forecasts and current outdoor conditions
* Moon phase, moonset and moonrise times
* Sunset and sunrise times
* UV radiation level for every day and hour
* Probability of precipitation for every hour
* ability to watch multiple locations

Supports English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Japanese,
Portuguese, Korean, Greek, Romanian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch.

Package: com.Elecont.WeatherClock
Recently changed in this version
New widgets:
- Weather(2x2)
- Wind (1x1)
- World time (1x1)

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 Emptyرد: EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4

شكــرآ لكـ .. بإنتــظآر كـل جديدكـ

EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 866468155

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 Emptyرد: EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4

EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 2935028604

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 Emptyرد: EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4

بسـم الله الرحمـن الرحيـم

السلآم عليـكم و رحمة الله تعآلى و بركآتهـ

شكرآآ لك على الموضوع الرائـع

بإنتظآر كل جديد منكـ

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 Emptyرد: EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4


شكرآ لكـ .. مآ ننحرم من ج ـديدكً
EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 866468155

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 Emptyرد: EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4

- شكرا لك

descriptionEWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4 Emptyرد: EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4

شكرا لك
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
EWeather HD with Widgets v2.4.4
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