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descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress EmptyView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

Moving from left to left, the light
is heavy on the Dome, and coarse.
One small lunette turns it aside
and blankly stares off to the side
like a big white old wall-eyed horse.

On the east steps the Air Force Band
in uniforms of Air Force blue
is playing hard and loud, but - queer -
the music doesn't quite come through.

It comes in snatches, dim then keen,
then mute, and yet there is no breeze.
The giant trees stand in between.
I think the trees must intervene,

catching the music in their leaves
like gold-dust, till each big leaf sags.
Unceasingly the little flags
feed their limp stripes into the air,
and the band's efforts vanish there.

Great shades, edge over,
give the music room.
The gathered brasses want to bo
boom - boom.

Elizabeth Bishop

descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress Emptyرد: View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

شُكًـرآ َجزيـلآ لَكِ ..
بآنتظَـآر جًديدكِـ ~
View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress 698882594

descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress Emptyرد: View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

يعطيككِ آلعإآففية . . #’

descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress Emptyرد: View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

شكراا لكِ على الموضوع

بأنتضار كل جديدك View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress 698882594

descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress Emptyرد: View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

شكرآ لكـ

بإنتظار كل جديد منكـ

View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress 866468155

descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress Emptyرد: View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress TkcIj

descriptionView of the Capitol from the Library of Congress Emptyرد: View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress

شكرًا لك على الموضوع

View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress 866468155
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress
 Konu BBCode BBCode
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