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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionA Channel Passage EmptyA Channel Passage

A Channel Passage

The damned ship lurched and slithered. Quiet and quick
My cold gorge rose; the long sea rolled; I knew
I must think hard of something, or be sick;
And could think hard of only one thing -- YOU!
You, you alone could hold my fancy ever!
And with you memories come, sharp pain, and dole.
Now there's a choice -- heartache or tortured liver!
A sea-sick body, or a you-sick soul!

Do I forget you? Retchings twist and tie me,
Old meat, good meals, brown gobbets, up I throw.
Do I remember? Acrid return and slimy,
The sobs and slobber of a last years woe.
And still the sick ship rolls. 'Tis hard, I tell ye,
To choose 'twixt love and nausea, heart and belly.

Rupert Brooke

descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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ننتظر جديدك  A Channel Passage 698882594 I love you

descriptionA Channel Passage Emptyرد: A Channel Passage

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A Channel Passage
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