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descriptionAt Midnight EmptyAt Midnight

At Midnight

Now at last I have come to see what life is,
Nothing is ever ended, everything only begun,
And the brave victories that seem so splendid
Are never really won.

Even love that I built my spirit's house for,
Comes like a brooding and a baffled guest,
And music and men's praise and even laughter
Are not so good as rest.

Sarah Teasdale

descriptionAt Midnight Emptyرد: At Midnight


بسمم الله الرحمآن الرحيممً..At Midnight 698882594#

السلامم عليكمم ورحمتةة الله وبركآته .$

وآآآآآو موضوعكك جميييلل جدا At Midnight 804695 ~!

يسلموو علي الموضوع الجميل..!@

ننتذرمنك المزيد والمزيد من الابداععَ..!!

وشكرآ لكي مره اخري علي هذا الموضوعع At Midnight 38464 #!

مع تحياتي لارواحكممم الطاهرةةة !


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descriptionAt Midnight Emptyرد: At Midnight

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