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descriptionبرنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 Emptyبرنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903

CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903

برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 A5fb8bcfb100.original

برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 APTJCN

PhotoDirector 6 is a unique photo editor that provides a streamlined photography workflow – efficient photo management, complete adjustment and creative editing tools, PhotoDirector lets you adjust your images in a non-destructive environment and provides all you need to turn your RAW images to works of art. It also comes with the PhotoDirector App to let you create beautiful images while on-the-go.

What's New in PhotoDirector 6?
PhotoDirector 6 offers even more features to help you create spectacular photos. With new tools, you can quickly apply adjustments to your photos, or create perfect portraits, great group shots, and picturesque panoramas.

Create Stunning Panoramas with the NEW Panorama feature
Create breathtaking, wide-angle panoramas by stitching together a sequence of images. With intelligent background auto-fill, edges of your image are filled in to make a complete panorama.

Capture The Best Group Shot with Face Swap
With the Face Swap feature, you can compose the perfect group shot by merging multiple group photos and let PhotoDirector automatically choose faces with the best smile & lively eyes.

Touch-Up Portraits with the Skin Tone adjustment tool
Intelligently adjust skin tone in your portraits for the look you are after. Give your subjects healthier looking skin or a perfect tan in moments.

Put the Focus on Your Subject with Radial Filter
Draw attention to the focal point of your image by applying adjustments only to that area of your photo. Emphasize a light source, highlight your subject in portraits, or apply creative vignettes.

Film-like Digital Photos with Grain Effect
Give your photos texture and a film-like effect, with graining effects that add character to any shot.

Creative Compositions with Photo Composer
Easily extract objects from images and transfer them as overlays onto other photos. Includes intelligent tools to select objects or people to extract.

Safeguard Your Projects with CyberLink Cloud NEW!
With the help of the latest in cloud technology, you won't need to worry about losing your projects or having to manually back up again. Safely back up your media creations and easily transfer system preferences or templates when you upgrade to a new PC. PhotoDirector integrates CyberLink Cloud which allows you to easily back up and retrieve your important creations safely and securely.

Faster Importing & Exporting with OpenCL technology
With native 64-bit support and now also OpenCL integration, you can dramatically reduce your RAW image editing times.

Editable EXIF
Change the timestamp of your images inside PhotoDirector so that you can sort & search images by date with confidence.

What's new in version 6.0.5903:
- Improves compatibility with some cameras.
- Fixes the missing effects encountered when saving an album as a new project.
- Fixes incorrect watermark position issue.
- Enhances program stability.

برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 TsOxwu









descriptionبرنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 Emptyرد: برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903

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descriptionبرنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 Emptyرد: برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903

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برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903 866468155
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برنامج لتحرير الصور و التلاعب بها CyberLink PhotoDirector Ultra 6.0.5903
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