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descriptionتطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android Emptyتطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android

Google Messenger v1.0.130

تطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android 1417721555_globalapk.com_unnamed

تطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android 1417789287591

Stay  in touch with friends and family. Messenger from Google is a  communications app that helps you send and receive SMS and MMS messages  to any phone. You can also send group texts as well as your favorite  pictures, videos and even audio messages to your contacts.

Key features:

•  Faster sharing: Select or take pictures and videos directly from the  app and share easily. You can even send audio messages to your contacts.
• Easy search: Search through contacts and conversation threads to find exactly what you are looking for.
• Purposeful design: New, fluid, material design that is intuitive and delightful.
• More control: Ability to block SMS senders. No interruptions when you don’t want them!
• More features: audio messages, emoji support , colored text threads, message archiving and more.

Messenger is supported on devices running Android™ 4.1, Jelly Bean, and above.

تطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android 1417789597911

تطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android TsOxwu

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مآنـــــنـــحرم من جديد آلمتميز

descriptionتطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android Emptyرد: تطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android

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تطبيق الرسائل النصية والوسائط Google Messenger v1.0.130 For Android
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