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descriptionلعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android Emptyلعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android

Raiden Legacy v1.9

لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android 1419457942_globalapk.com_unnamed

RAIDEN LEGACY, a four-title compilation of the mega-popular RAIDEN arcade  series, includes RAIDEN, RAIDEN FIGHTERS, RAIDEN FIGHTERS 2 &  RAIDEN FIGHTERS JET. Originally developed by Seibu Kaihatsu, each of  these classic scrolling shooters has not only been authentically  recreated for mobile, but also enhanced with brand-new features!

Each  RAIDEN LEGACY title includes three different modes: “Arcade Mode” (just  like the original); “Mission Mode”, which allows you to play any  unlocked stage; and “Training Mode”, which, true to its name, allows you  to excel at your favorite stages and practice the most difficult ones!

15+  different ships, each with their own characteristics, stats, weapons,  and specials! Also, some ships come complete with “charged shots” –  useful for when the screen is 90% covered with enemies!

Choose  between two different touch modes: “Fast Touch” (Faster than the  original game and improved for mobiles) or “Arcade Touch” (Just like the  original – retrogamers will love it!). What’s more, you can customize  your approach by putting the controls wherever you prefer on screen.

-Play  in full-screen, or keep the game’s original screen ratio thanks to  “Original Mode” (note that your fingers will be outside the game area).
-AutoFire: ON/OFF
-Two difficulty modes: Medium and Hard.
-Nine languages available: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese
-Video filtering (for rich, smooth graphics)
-ScoreLoop compatible: 15 unlockable achievements + online leaderboards.
Put your skills to the test against your friends, family and the best players in the world!

لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android Z3kI28

لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android NK6Im


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descriptionلعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android Emptyرد: لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android

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تحيتي .~

descriptionلعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android Emptyرد: لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android

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لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android 866468155

descriptionلعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android Emptyرد: لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android

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descriptionلعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android Emptyرد: لعبة حرب الطائرات الرائعة Raiden Legacy v1.9 Android

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