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W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

بسمة أمل
10 مشترك


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الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT EmptyW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT SRqtx2I

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2tmXpIN

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ~

الموضوع الثاني في قسم صور الأنمي

عبارة عن رمزيات لأنمي الخطايا السبع المميتة .

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT OOJKyQG

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT JJ6OVOh W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT NyyAyNO W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT O4ilrb6
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Kv76NQ0 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT WQaO6NH W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 33iN2Mj
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT ZGEDjl9 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT MbpbOTU W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT K2S4bSQ
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT DF4h09F W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Z0hOlT3 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT CejLfHd
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT JA5yHjG W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT UXfajjp W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 9KUCKp4
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT OhylK21 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT EXLjz7a W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 8VxfYr1
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT EfqhcwX W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT FZ7bTyg W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT BLmbdGf
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT RlWpr2b W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT BJe4Zqe W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT A2LpJXj
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT WDA3Fsc W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT SjS8SHV W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3EQ2hiq
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 99TVPXn W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 6imuwqE W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT QhZ0JnI


W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT IN3B0PG

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3412259983

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

السلام عليكم عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى وبركاته 
مرحبا تينما كيف حالك صديقي 
آمل أن تكون بخير 
مـآ هذآ الإبدآآآع يا فتى 
رمزيات اقل ما يقال عنها خوراافية 
أبدعت في تصميمها حقآ 
الرمزيات التي اعجبتني 
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT SjS8SHV W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Kv76NQ0

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT BJe4Zqe W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT RlWpr2b

شكرا لـك آخي على الطرح القيم 
بإنتظار كل جديد منك + تم التقيم 
لا تحرمنا من إبدآعآتـك 
في آمآن الله و رعايته 

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أحمم W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2419327837
أوي تينما ألست ثاني أكسل عضو هنا W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3906448878
عد لكسلك رجاءً W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1232301502 >تراكمت عليها المواضيع ولا تقدر تلحق W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2347500315 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2131699084
خلاص خلصت حلطمه W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 308850488
الرمزيات W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1094523372
أحب الرمزيات الطويلة مرة W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1887442045 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665
مقاسك هذا مثالي W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 737970443 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3871200867 >من وجهه نظرها طبعاً عمتي W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 210208170
أعجبتني كثيراً لكن أكثر ماراق لي بان W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2314261446 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2314261446 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665
أعععع سحقاً كم هو جميل W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2314261446 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT RlWpr2b W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT EXLjz7a
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Kv76NQ0W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT NyyAyNO
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT O4ilrb6
اخخخخ كل الصور اللي فيها بان حلوه سحقاً W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3871200867 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665 >مشكلة لما تعجبك شخصية بزيادة W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2915161240
بوركت جهودك يافتى Very Happy W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 866468155 >خلاص تعبت روح ارتاح وتعال بعد العيد W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 4078314248 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 737970443
باتصفق؟ W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 4277658448 خلاص امزح شوي W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 737970443 >بس شوي Very Happy  
تم التقييم في أمان الله W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 866468155

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته~
تينما كيف الحال يارب بخير دائما
ثاني موضوع  في قسم الصور ماشاء الله عليك نشاط ملحوظ منك
اختيارك للموضوع موفق ورائع التنسيق اكثر من رائع
الهيدر والألوان لطيفة
الأنمي لست من متابعيه بصراحة حضرت أول حلقة
من الجزء الاول ولا أعلم سحبت عليه
لديه ضجة كبيرة ربما أعاود مشاهدته لكن بعد الحرب
وبعد النتيجة Very Happy
نرجع للموضوع تصميمك للرمزيات ممتاز نوعت بها بشكل كبير
وكل الرمزيات في قمة الروعة أعجبتني كلها ماشاء الله تصاميمك
مرة جميلة :tb3:
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT ZGEDjl9W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT UXfajjpW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 6imuwqE
سأستعمل بعضهم بعد الحرب I love you
تم التقييم وشكرا مجددا للموضوع الممتاز في امان الله

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركآته..
كيف حآلك تـينما؟! 
أرجو أن تكون في أفضل حآل ~
ماذا أرى .. لا أصدق أن تـينما الكسول قد وضع شيئًا ما  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1508887074
أظن أن علينـا أن نحسب ألف حسـاب لكم في هذه الحرب ..

لنعد إلى موضوعك XD
رغم أني لم أتابع الخطايا السبع 
إلا أن كثيرًا من الرمزيـات أعجبتني للغاية 
خاصة هذه: 

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT DF4h09F W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT WQaO6NH

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT K2S4bSQW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT RlWpr2b

أظن أني سأستخدمها بعد الحرب بإذن الله 
شكرًا على طرحك المميز 
تم التقييم 
في أمـان الله  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 866468155

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

بِسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركآته ||~

موضوع آخر في قسم صور الانمي!!

لماذا دائمًا بكل المسابقات لايستفيد سوى هذا القسم؟  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1232301502

^ انظروا من يتحدث  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 4078314248


لم أتابع هذا الانمي ولن أفعل XDDD
ولكن الرمزيات جميلة بالفعل  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3800965939

@N_Angle لستِ وحدكِ في العصر الحجري  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 2347500315 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 3746313665

أكثر ما أعجبني من الرمزيات ::

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT JJ6OVOh W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 33iN2Mj W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT K2S4bSQ

بحفظ الله، تم التقييم ~

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

بسم الله الرحمـن الرحيـم

السـلام عليـكم و رحمة الله تعــآلى و بركآته

أهـلآ بالمبدع تينمـآ ~ كيف حالكـ ؟ آمل أن تكون بخيـر ^^


بعـد سبات دام طويـلا ها أنت أخيرا تقرر رفـع أسلحتك يا تينمـا

و كما هو متوقع .. كل الإبدآع خرج فجأة و قصف القسم بقـوة ~

مواضيعـك مهما كانت بسيطة فهي دائما تملك طابعا خاصا و مميـزا

و من الممتع جدا تصفحهـا و المرور عليهـا

و الأهم أن اختياراتك دائما جميلـة و فخمـة ~

الطقم جميل و أبدعت في تصميم الرمزيات الرائعـة

مما راق لي :

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT NyyAyNO W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Z0hOlT3 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT EXLjz7a


شكـرا على الموضوع الرائـع

سلمت أنآملك | تقييـم + بنـر

بانتظار جديــدك بفآآرغ الصبـر

في أمـآن الله و حفظـه

W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 866468155

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
اهلين تينما !! نلتقي مجددا في موضوع رمزيات اخر !
كيفك؟ عساك باحسن حال  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 866468155
اعرف الانمي من صديق مقرب فقد
بدا مطالعته recently وصارررر مهووس like obsessed
فأعرف اغلب الشخصيات الي في الصور
الي استخدمتها لصنع هذه الرمزيات الطويلة (kinda)
اعجبني التأثير .. share it if u can  W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1887442045 
ابغى استخدمه في تصاميمي الجاية ^^
مما راق لي من الـ 30 رمزية :
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Kv76NQ0 W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT EXLjz7a
+ تم التقييم
ان شاء الله اشوفك في مواضيع اخرى قريبا !!
في أمان الله
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 698882594

descriptionW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT Emptyرد: W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ~

بصراحه اناا احب الرمزيات الي كذا جدا بتدخل بالقلبW A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1f60b  I love you
ابداع بلا حدود بالاضافه لتميز التنسيق غير الموضوع Very Happy W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 698882594

جدا تميز  تصميمك الحقوق وموقعها من التصميم W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT 1945498971

تحياتي I love you I love you
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
W A N T E D | no matter how much power you have , there's a limit to everything | NNT
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