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The Bestدخول
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أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
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أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

description1~Peace by Death

لتجربة افضل بنصح بالاستماع لمعزوفة Starry Night خلال القراءة

It’s the end of the road for him,

 that’s what he realizes seeing his friend being torn to shreds by an angel.
4 are now dead 3 including him are still standing.

He retreats into a safe distance and kneels,
 takes a deep breath and With shaking hands he draws his bow.
An arrow of light starts forming, it’s made of his soul

giving up his life to safe the ones that are still living 
and avenge the ones that are gone.
Yet he is sweating in fear, not of death but fear of missing.

 On the battlefield there is his friend fighting the angel on his own
 and both of them are moving constantly.

At moments of hesitation a hand is laid gently on his shoulder.
 He turns his head and sees his other friend who’s doing his best to hold his cries
 and says to him “it’s a great honor to die by your side brother”

Hearing those words he can’t help himself but to shed tears 
cause now he can’t run from the harsh truth 
that none of them has the will to walk out alive.

And so he turns ahead and with the power of his friend
 the light grows stronger while their bodies are turning to gray.

he takes a moment and recalls
 how he was brought into this life alone
 and the amazing journey he had with his friends.

And at once his fingers break and the arrow is released.
 With a smile on his face he closes his eyes and his body turns to dust.

The friend goes down howling with nothing but dust within his fingers,
 with a weakened body slowly fading,
 he can’t do nothing but look at the arrow
 hoping that the last one standing get the job done with the arrow.

Now … left on his own
A mortal, a father, a friend and a loving husband has lost it all.

 The one who bears the most pain 
against a the highest angel which took everything from him.
He screams with rage, hate and an endless will to kill.

Realizing that the arrow is heading towards them
 he desperately tries to cling on the angel and hold him in place. 
But in vain
The angel overpowers him pushing himself away.

And that’s when he takes it all into his own hands.
 Grabbing the arrow and turning to the angel 
while having layers upon layers of his whole arm getting vaporized in a split second

with only bones left holding that arrow… 

he makes it.

Right to the head

 and it flashes
 a majestic white blink of light.

No sound no explosion,
 just absolute erasing.

The whole battlefield disappeared without a shred left behind
 but a giant hole in the ground and silence.
And thus at last… there it was .. peace.

اعذروني اذا في اخطاء املائية, متكاسل انقح كالعادة

 اذا في اي سؤال محد يتردد 
واتمنى يعجبكم النص  Peace by Death 1270752560

description1~رد: Peace by Death

لديك موهبة عجيبة في الكتابة بالانجليزية ما شاء الله عليك

لم تفكر فقط في المجريات بل حتى في القافية و الجانب الأدبي للكتابة

قراءة نصوصك ممتعة و بطريقة ما تجعلك تنهي القصة دون أن تشعر

كانت قصة مؤثرة انتهت بتحول الجميع لرماد هههه لكنها ممتعة رغم ذلك

وصفك للمشاهد و طريقة حمل القوس و إطلاق السهم و ما إلى ذلك رهييبة

شكرا لك

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