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description[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe Empty[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe


حمل الآن لعبة زوما الشهيره Zuma Deluxe بحجم 10 ميجا فقط

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867251

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe Do

Zuma Deluxe is an awesome Puzzle Game which is developed by PopCap Games and published by Oberon Media. It is a single player game in which you have to eliminate all the balls which are moving at constant speed. What you have to do is to throw the ball towards the moving balls of which should be of the same color. Like if you are throwing a red ball then it should strike with the red ball among the moving balls.

Zuma Deluxe PC System Requirements

OS: Windows XP/2000/Vista/7
CPU: Pentium 2
Processor: 350 Mhz
Ram: 64MB
DirectX: 7.0
Video Card: 16 bit

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe Do

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867282

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 138276686733

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867334

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867345

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867366

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867377

[ PC ] تحميل لعبة Zuma Deluxe 1382766867398

مسـاحـة اللعبــه 10 ميجا فقط

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