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descriptionتطبيق ادارة الملفات Material Manager v7.3.0 Android Emptyتطبيق ادارة الملفات Material Manager v7.3.0 Android

Material Manager v7.3.0

تطبيق ادارة الملفات Material Manager v7.3.0 Android 1418327289_globalapk.com_unnamed

تطبيق ادارة الملفات Material Manager v7.3.0 Android B6Bfb8

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Material Manager is a new File Manager developed by the Inspire Android dev team.
This file manager has been made of with the new and innovative material design by Google.

Access  with ease to your documents, music, photos and videos, and your  personal files. With Material Manager you can move, copy and delete your  files and thanks to the navigation menu you can move extremely quickly  through your folders. Root access can be enabled through settings!

- Awesome material design
- Abilities to extract rar, zip, 7z archives
- Abilities to create zip archives
- Copy, cut and delete your files and documents
- Custom shortcuts
- Preview of apk files with app name and version
- Easy to use and user friendly interface

In  the PRO version of Material Manager, available in the settings, you can  also choose the colors of the interface and enable the advanced cards ui!

Material Manager is compatible with the new Android 5 (Lollipop) and and brings with it a new conception of the file manager.

Let us know with reviews or through our web references how we can improve our new File Manager.

تطبيق ادارة الملفات Material Manager v7.3.0 Android B2t8tq

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