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3 المساهمات
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الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionبرنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final Emptyبرنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final

Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final

برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final Smart-AppLock-Pro-2-3.15.1-APK

برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final 1443483886381

Smart PC Locker Pro is a lightweight and powerful application designed  to lock your computer and all its functions so that no one can access  your personal data, you can now move away from the computer safely. The  PC is locked with a password, so only users that know the correct  password can unlock it. The program is also able to lock the PC in Safe  Mode (with Networking, without Networking, etc).

Key features:
Securely password protect your computer
Only users that know the correct password can unlock the computer
Start with Windows and immediately lock the computer
Works also if the computer is started in Safe Mode
Disable WinKeys while the computer is locked
Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL menu while the computer is locked
Disable specific network adapters while the computer is locked
Lock all CD-ROMs while the computer is locked
Disable Task Manager while the computer is locked
Password prompt when the application window is displayed
Password prompt when the application is closed
Require “Run as Administrator” to edit the program settings
User must be in the Administrators Group to edit program settings
Shutdown the computer after N invalid password attempts
Define hotkey to quickly lock the computer
Auto-lock the PC after N minutes of inactivity (idle time)
Do not auto-lock the PC if there is an application in full screen
Do not auto-lock the PC if a specific process is running
Power off the monitor once the computer is locked after N minutes
Shutdown the computer once the computer is locked after N minutes
Change the wallpaper while the computer is locked
Log unsuccessful attempts to enter the unlock password
The application can be translated into multiple languages
Supports all Microsoft Windows operating systems
Very lightweight in the memory and CPU usage


[center] برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final 949















descriptionبرنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final Emptyرد: برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final

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برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final 866468155

descriptionبرنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final Emptyرد: برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final

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descriptionبرنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final Emptyرد: برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final

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descriptionبرنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final Emptyرد: برنامج قفل الجهاز بباسوورد قوى Smart PC Locker Pro 2.5 Final

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