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descriptionبرنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23 Emptyبرنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23

برنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23 Ashamp11

برنامج Ashampoo WinOptimizer هو أحد البرامج التى تنتجها شركة أشامبو العملاقة
وهذا البرنامج يأتى بالعديد من الأدوات المهمة واللازمة لصيانة الويندوز وتحسين أداءه بشكل عام
فكما هو معلوم أن بمرور الوقت بعد تثبيت الويندوز تتراكم مخلفات البرامج والتصفح مما يؤثر بشكل ملحوظ على الويندوز ويتسبب فى بطأه
ايضاً كثرة هذه الملفات تعرضك للإصابة بالفيروسات والملفات الخبيثة التى تتمركز غالباً فى الذاكرة العشوائية
ولذلك فإن بإستخدامك لبرنامج أشامبو وين أوبتميزر تستطيع التخلص من هذه المشكلة وبضغطة واحدة فقط
أيضاً البرنامج يحتوى على أدوات كثيرة جداً لصيانة الويندوز وملفات الرجيسترى وأيضاً صيانة القرص الصلب وأداة الديفراج التى تخلصك من تجزئة الملفات بسهولة وسرعة فائقة مقارنة بأداة الويندوز العادية
البرنامج به مميزات كثيرة جداً سأتركها لك لإكتشافها بنفسك
وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم أحدث نسخة من البرنامج مرفق معها التفعيل

Over time, even modern systems slow down or become faulty and cluttered with junk files. Especially Windows 10 collects more data than its users would like. Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 16 takes care of these issues – with unparalleled speed and efficiency. It doesn’t take any prior knowledge or lots of time and your computer will feel like new again! Let WinOptimizer help you make the most of your PC and protect, clean and optimize your machine for maximum performance and privacy every time. The most powerful WinOptimizer start page ever
Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 16 takes care of things right off the bat.

The start page allows you to analyze and fix eight common issues. Free massive amounts of space, clean your registry, slim down on autostart entries, ramp up your security settings and create a lean, secure and error-free system. Naturally, we’ve optimized all features for the latest Windows updates!

No more unwanted browser extensions!
We all know those pesky toolbars that tend to infiltrate our browsers. What are less known are the numerous browser extensions that can slow down your web browsing experience and threaten your privacy. These extensions are often not even listed by the affected browsers! Browser Extension Manager puts a stop to this. It displays all installed browser extensions along with the option to delete them, if necessary. You decide which extension stays and which one goes. So clean your browser and put the fun back into web surfing!

Windows 10-ready
Development of Microsoft Windows is still ongoing – and so is the development of Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 16! Our developers ensure the program remains fully usable even if your PC has just received OS updates. Through continuous program updates, your WinOptimizer always stays up to date no matter what changes are made to the underlying Windows OS!

Maximum security and privacy – guaranteed!
Windows collects a lot of data and makes some foul compromises regarding system security. Win10 Privacy Control and Antispy, both included in the program, give you back control of your system! You decide which passwords, telemetry data or photos are sent out or, even better, kept private. Crack down on unsolicited tracking of your PCs, personalized ads or far too nosy programs!

Indispensable: 1-click optimization
1-click optimization is so popular because it takes care of several issues at once. Three powerful modules spring into action to clean your system in-depth. Internet Cleaner eliminates web browsing traces that not only occupy space but also compromise your privacy and security. Drive Cleaner deletes redundant files to reclaim disk space and Registry Cleaner removes invalid Registry entries for improved performance and to avoid system errors. All it takes is a single click from you!

Smart auto-features for your PC
A total of three clever modules take the bulk of the work off your shoulders. Auto-Clean not only remove junk data but prevents it before it happens! Whenever you close your browser or any other program, it makes a clean sweep and gets rid of no longer needed files. Live-Tuner performs real-time tweaking to accelerate program launches. You can also customize it manually to modify process priorities for that extra bit of oomph. Game-Booster terminates all background processes non-essential for gaming to give your games the ultimate performance boost! Once you exit the game the changes are reverted automatically so you can continue working normally.

Our cleaners: scrupulous cleanliness guaranteed!
Cleaning modules have always been at the heart of WinOptimizer. That’s why we’ll never stop improving them! Where do the latest browsers or setup programs store junk files? Which files pose a risk to your privacy? New threats are constantly analyzed and detection built into the new version. But that’s not all. Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 16 fully supports multi-user environments. From now on, you no longer have to clean each profile separately!

Perfect system monitoring
Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 16 shows you what’s going on on your PC. For example, you will automatically be notified when the health of your drives deteriorates before disaster strikes. Detect performance bottlenecks and potential errors with ease. If you need extensive details on disk space usage, installed hardware components or running background processes, here is where you’ll find them!

The Swiss army jackknife for your PC
Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 16 comes packed with 36 powerful modules to make your computer life incredibly easy. It doesn’t matter whether you seek to customize Windows, enhance your security and privacy or analyze your system in depth. All modules are refined and updated every year for best compatibility and performance with old and new Windows versions alike. Discover the wealth of useful features in WinOptimizer 16 yourself!

Size: 16.1 MB

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descriptionبرنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23 Emptyرد: برنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23

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descriptionبرنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23 Emptyرد: برنامج أشامبو لصيانة الويندوز | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 19.00.23

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