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The Bestدخول
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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Emptyخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp

خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp 0001

خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp

خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzJSpAU3FfvusrEMeq1fnxZYv7q58c-iNkiR-z1wg-n0zk9JZ2

خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp 0017

While playing the game, press L(2),R, X(2), Circle(2), R.

Extrahealth and armor
While playing the game, press L(2),R, Circle(2), X(2), R. Note: Enabling
this code while in a vehicle willalso repair all of its damage.

Weapontier 1
While playing the game, press R, Up,X, Down, Left, R, X, Right to unlock
the minigun, nightstick, Desert Eaglepistol, stubby assault rifle, mini
SMG, stubby shotgun, and grenades.

Weapontier 2
While playing the game, press R, Up,Circle, Down, Left, R, Circle, Right
to unlock the mini flamethrower, taser,dual Desert Eagle pistols,
assault rifle, SMG, double barrel shotgun, andMolotov cocktails.

Weapon tier3
While playing the game, press R, Up,Square, Down, Left, R, Square, Right
to unlock the big flamethrower, chainsaw,revolver, assault rifle, SMG,
double barrel shotgun, and proximity mines.

Weapontier 4
While playing the game, press R, Up,Triangle, Down, Left, R, Triangle,
Right to unlock the rocket launcher, stubbyassault rifle, baseball bat,
Desert Eagle pistol, mini SMG, stubby shotgun, andflashbang grenades.

ExplosiveDesert Eagle ammunition
While playing the game, press L, R,Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Up, Down. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Increasewanted level
While playing the game, press L(2),R, Square(2), Triangle(2), R.

Decreasewanted level
While playing the game, press R,Triangle(2), Square(2), R, L(2). Note:

This code only decreases thewanted level by one star and must be repeated until it is completely removed.

While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, Circle, X, L, R.

Very sunnyweather
While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, X, Triangle, L, R.

While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Square, L, R.

While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, Square, Circle, L, R.

While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, Circle, Triangle, R, L.
While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, X, Square, R, L.

While playing the game, press Up,Down, Left, Right, Square, X, R, L.

· Xin missions
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock thecorresponding mission:
"Xin's Of The Father"mission: Successfully complete the "Deadly Xin" mission and have nowanted

خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp 0017

descriptionخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Emptyرد: خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp

مشكـــور على الموضوع الرآآآئــــــــــع

بإنتظآر كل جديد منكـ

descriptionخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Emptyرد: خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp


descriptionخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Emptyرد: خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp

شكرآ على الموضوع الرآئع


ننتظر جديدكـ ~

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حرامي السيارات


شكووورا لك

descriptionخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Emptyرد: خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp


على الموضوع القيّم..

تقبّل مروري+؟؟؟,~

في انتظاآر جدـــيدك.

descriptionخدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp Emptyرد: خدع لعبة gta chinatown wars psp

شكرا الموضوع المميز

ننتظر كل جدبد منك

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شكرآ لكـ .. مآ ننحرم من ج ـديدكً
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شكرا جزيلا

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- شكرا لك
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