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descriptionFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 EmptyFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7


Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 0041

Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7

Android2.1 +

"One touch App lock" a good helper to protect the privacy of your mobile phone!

Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 741990940

لمحة عامة: "إن أحد التطبيقات لمسة قفل" مساعد جيد لحماية الخصوصية لهاتفك النقال!

As soon as using this app, you'll never need to worry about prying or
theft of personal information, and "App lock" can help you lock Gmail,
SMS and other mobile apps and provide effective protection of personal

Just touch the Widget on the desktop to quickly and safely turn the lock
on/off. Easy to use, it will be an essential app for daily life and
work with your mobile phone!
Lock Software: add lock to any app you want. Easy to use.
* Unlock mode: this app provides two different lock modes (traditional
number unlock and pattern unlock) which allows users to choose from.
* widget switch: you can quickly select the app locks on/off by the
widget on the desktop. One touch to lock apps without complex process!
Note: If enter the wrong password for three times, you can not re-enter in three minutes.
If you have any issues or concerns with App Lock, please send me an email and we will find a solution for this problem! Thanks!

Provided by ayhanlove

More Info:

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descriptionFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 Emptyرد: Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7

.. شكــرآإ جزيــلـآإ ..

descriptionFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 Emptyرد: Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7

Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 2935028604

descriptionFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 Emptyرد: Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7

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descriptionFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 Emptyرد: Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7

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descriptionFast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7 Emptyرد: Fast App lock pro (No ads) v1.7

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