The Best
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

The Bestدخول
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أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
202 المساهمات
144 المساهمات
80 المساهمات
50 المساهمات
40 المساهمات
36 المساهمات
32 المساهمات
30 المساهمات
11 المساهمات
9 المساهمات
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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Empty'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   13609596352

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   13609596353

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   13609596354

السلآم عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

مآ أخباركم ؟

لقد غبت عن عالم التصميم مدة طويلة

و هاهو موضوع آخر لي في قسم صور الأنمي بعد تلك المدة

لشخصية من الأنمي المفضل لدي NARUTO SHIPPUDEN

لقد إخترت شخصية من الشخصيآت المفضلة لدي في الأنمي

آلا و هي Sai | سـآي

صممت أكثر من 30 رمزية له بمقاسين مختلفين

عنوآن الموضوع الذي وضعته هو إقتباس من سآي

بدون مقدمات طويلة هاهي الرمزيآت

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   13609596355

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   HJDsZ '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   F6lak '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   UWVo7

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   3HMFZ '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   KPahb '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   2hO2o

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Yrb1z '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Seng8 '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   WPVr4

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   HJJwL '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   DE6YQ '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   JBj8c

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   S3v0R '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   I1nek '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   WUh2P

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   SOYdx '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   WiBAI '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   5In7f

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   PWCek '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   YG6KB

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   ZGjEg '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   5azow '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   YD6YV

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   9Ji6p '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   TgdHV '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Gf7nK

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   VEhoR '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   R4I7U '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   YDOvX

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Zw5v0 '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Z7tDw '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   VzJjO

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   13609596366

إلى هنآ نصل الى نهآية الموضوع

اتمنى ان تكون الرمزيآت نالت على إعجابكم

بإنتظـآر ردودكم + تقييمآتكم

[ الطقم من تصميم آكا فشكراً لها ]

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   0QUV3

في امان الله و حفظه

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   13609596367

description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''

حجز 1

تم التعديل من طرف فريق النيآبة [ يمنع الحجز لمدة تتجاوز اليويمن ]

description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''


تم التعديل من طرف فريق النيآبة [ يمنع الحجز لمدة تتجاوز اليويمن ]

description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''


description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''

و عليكم السلآم و رحمة الله و بركآته

الحمدلله بخير .. و انت كيف حآلك ؟ '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   2347500315



رمزيآت اكثر من رآآآآئعة !

عودة قوية لعآلم التصميم ~
ابدعت حقآ

اختيآرك للصور مميز و جميل .. وفقت في اختيآرهآ


اعجبتني الكثير من الرمزيآت
و لكن مآ لفت نظري :

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   KPahb '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   3HMFZ '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   WUh2P

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   R4I7U '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   YDOvX '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   VzJjO

رآآآآئعة جدآ I love you


التنسيق + الطقم بسيط و رآآآآئع
اعطى لمسة جميلة للموضوع '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   2347500315


اتمنى ان نرى المزيد من تصآميمك و ابدآعآتك دآئمآ ~

لآ تحرمنآ من جديدك

+ تم التقييم


description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''

فك الحجز

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاته

كيف الحال ؟ ان شاء الله بخير

اعجبتني طريقتك لتصميم الرمزيات كثير مميزه

وطريقتك لتنسيق الموضوع ممتازه

بارك الله فيك على الموضوع

لا تحرمنا من جديدك

في امان الله وحفظه

description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''

حجزز ~

description'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Emptyرد: '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''

بســم الله الرحمـن الرحيــم

و عليــكم السلام و رحمة الله تعآلى و بركآتهـ

أهـــلآ بمبدعنــآ الخآرق العــآئد إلى السآحة الإبدآعيـة

كيف حــآلكـ ؟ ان شاء الله في أحســن حآل !


بعــد إنقطآآع طويــل

لإبدآآعآآت ليس لهــآ مثيــل

بعــد أن غرقنــآ في بحــر الإنتظآآر

و ملأنــآ الشووق .. و الحمآآس ..

لرؤيــة ما تقدمــه مرة أخـرى ..

لأننــآ تعودنــآ على إبدآعآتك التي لا مثيـل لهآ

لأنك دآئمــآ كنت حآضرآ هنــآ

بأطروحآتك .. بإبدآعآآتك ..

لاطالمــآ كنت الأروع و الأفضـل

و ها أنت تثبت ذلك مرة أخرى =)


موضوع من أحلى و أجمل ما يكون

إثبآت آخر على عششقك الدآئم لنآروتو

و بصمــة أخرى مميزة و متــألقة

بموضوع حـول الرآئــع " سآآي "

رمزيآت من أروع ما يكون

ممآ رآق لي :

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   3HMFZ '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   WUh2P '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   5In7f

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   TgdHV '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   VzJjO '' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   Z7tDw


سلمت أنآآملك .. مشكـور على الموضوع الرائـع

تقييـم + بنــر

بإنتظار جديدك على أحـر من الجمر

في أمان الله و حفظـه

'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''   866468155
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
'' This is what it means to have friends .. I understand it perfectly .. Naruto ''
 Konu BBCode BBCode
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