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الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionLines Written In The Fannie Farmer Cookbook EmptyLines Written In The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

Lines Written In The Fannie Farmer Cookbook

[Given to Frank Bidart]

You won't become a gourmet* cook
By studying our Fannie's book--
Her thoughts on Food & Keeping House
Are scarcely those of Lévi-Strauss.
Nevertheless, you'll find, Frank dear,
The basic elements** are here.
And if a problem should arise:
The Soufflé fall before your eyes,
Or strange things happen to the Rice
--You know I love to give advice.

P.S. Fannie should not be underrated;
She has become sophisticated.
She's picked up many gourmet* tricks
Since the edition of '96.

Elizabeth Bishop

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