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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionFragment of an Ode to Maia EmptyFragment of an Ode to Maia

Fragment of an Ode to Maia

MOTHER of Hermes! and still youthful Maia!
May I sing to thee
As thou wast hymned on the shores of Baiae?
Or may I woo thee
In earlier Sicilian? or thy smiles
Seek as they once were sought, in Grecian isles,
By bards who died content on pleasant sward,
Leaving great verse unto a little clan?
O give me their old vigour! and unheard
Save of the quiet primrose, and the span
Of heaven, and few ears,
Rounded by thee, my song should die away
Content as theirs,
Rich in the simple worship of a day.

John Keats

descriptionFragment of an Ode to Maia Emptyرد: Fragment of an Ode to Maia

شُكًـرآ َجزيـلآ لَكِ ..
بآنتظَـآر جًديدكِـ ~
Fragment of an Ode to Maia 698882594

descriptionFragment of an Ode to Maia Emptyرد: Fragment of an Ode to Maia

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Fragment of an Ode to Maia 866468155

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Fragment of an Ode to Maia TkcIj

descriptionFragment of an Ode to Maia Emptyرد: Fragment of an Ode to Maia

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Fragment of an Ode to Maia 866468155

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