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descriptionبرنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final Emptyبرنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final

TeamDrive Final

برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final DYp9bw

برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final 36ZCQu

TeamDrive is an application designed to help you transfer and  synchronize data across multiple computers that are both online and  offline.The application is easy to install and requires no complex  configuration. You merely need to have an account to the cloud service  that is used to store the data that is to be synchronized. Afterwards,  you create a space that you want to share, invite another user and start  syncing. The files that you upload to the cloud are automatically  transferred to the computer that was invited.

A feature that makes TeamDrive very practical for both small and big  businesses is the fact that once this connection between the computers  is made it automatically synchronizes the folders whenever something  changes. If you have 10 systems connected, when you upload a file from  one the content of the shared folder is automatically updated to all of  them.

Key features

· Synchronization of any folders and documents within a 2 GB total limit
· Automatic version management for all documents
· Automatic encryption of all data that leaves the computer
· Automatic back-up function for your data
· Offline work with automatic synchronisation
· Support for all file formats (documents, images, videos, programs)
· Team work (setting up of teams to work together on documents)
· Management of access rights for as many teams as required
· Conflict management for conflicts between versions
· Free choice of server (hosted cloud services or your own server)

Security & confidentiality:
· Data Protection Seal of Privacy of the Regional Centre for Data Protection of Schleswig-Holstein (ULD)
· EuroPrise: the European data protection and privacy seal (approval pending)
· Each space has its own secure AES-256 key (The keys always remain on the client computer)
· Individual allocation of user rights for each space

Network, hosting and serveبرنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final Showoff
· The TeamDrive HTTP protocol for secure transfer outside your company, through firewall and proxy servers.
· HTTP tunnelling through Port 80
· Extended configuration options in the client (proxy / cache / bandwidth / profiles)
· Support for hosted TeamDrive cloud servers
· Support for self-hosted TeamDrive HTTP servers
· Support for compatible WebDAV servers (HTTP/S)

برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final JhRi6D


برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final NK6Im

descriptionبرنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final Emptyرد: برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final

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برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final 866468155

descriptionبرنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final Emptyرد: برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final

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descriptionبرنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final Emptyرد: برنامج نقل الملفات بين الاجهزه بامان من اي مكان كنت TeamDrive Final

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