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الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionمشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player Emptyمشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player

Aurora Blu-ray Media Player

مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player VmPCJt

مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player TpvJUr

Aurora Blu-ray Media Player is a Windows based multimedia player  software which can play Blu-ray Disc, Blu-ray ISO files and any other  video formats as far as you can imagine. If you don't want to shift your  Blu-ray media player from time to time to ship with all various kind of  video formats, Aurora all-in-one Blu-ray media player with a pretty  design and easy-to-use experience will be your helpful assistant.

Perfect Blu-ray Playback
Aurora Blu-ray Media Player undoubtedly wins the crown in the field of  Blu-ray Disc playpack. You enjoy your high definition Blu-ray movie in  just a few mouse clicks. Additionally, users can get a navigation menu  for Blu-ray movie when they open a Blu-ray movie which offers you a  panoramic view of the disc and you can make your own choice.

Highly Compatible with Windows 8
Do you feel frustrated that your brand new Windows 8 no longer supported  DVD/Blu-ray movies or MPEG-2 videos? Get Aurora Blu-ray media player as  a free Windows 8 media player now, to compensating for the regret to  enjoy your favorite movie freely!

Almighty Media Player to Play All Videos
Got a colossal downloads? Aurora Blu-ray Media Player supports all video  formats, whether it’s AVCHD, MKV, FLV, MPEG-4 or MOV videos. Once you  own Aurora Blu-ray player software, you can play them all with different  languages of subtitles and audio tracks.

High Quality Audio to Match your HD Movies
HD images on your screen, of course, should match amazing audio output  lingering around your ears. To catch up the most advanced audio tech and  benefit all our users, Aurora Blu-ray Media Player for Windows has now  supported DTS 7.1, DTS HD, AC3/DTS 5.1.

Social Network Sharing Makes you Never Off the Line
Even though you are enjoying the movie, with Aurora Blu-ray Media  Player, you will keep yourself active among your friends. Post your  comments about the movie on Facebook or Twitter anytime and makes your  voice heard.

مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player PI6kV0


مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player LZxY7x






مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player TsOxwu

descriptionمشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player Emptyرد: مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player

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descriptionمشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player Emptyرد: مشغل افلام البلوراى الشهير Aurora Blu-ray Media Player


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