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BitTorrent®- Torrent Downloads v2.124

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**Note: Please use magnet links when possible**
What's new in BitTorrent® 2.110-2.113 (% of users)
- minor fixes
BitTorrent® 2.105-109
- Auto-shutdown - automatically shut down torrenting when app is in background (Pro feature)
- Easier-to-use settings
- File Not Found fix
v2.85 and before
- Shuffle Play
- Easy access to your music & videos via media library
- Navigation drawer
- Battery Saver - suspends torrents on low battery (Pro)
- Solution for KitKat external SD card restrictions

تحميل تطبيق التورنت الشهير BitTorrent®- Torrent Downloads v2.124 Android 1426046987911

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