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descriptionبرنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 Emptyبرنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 Final

برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 8QosWM

برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 1425527905631

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher (Duplicate Searcher) is an  application for searching duplicate files (clones) and NTFS hard links  to the same file. It searches duplicate file contents regardless of file  name (true byte-to-byte comparison is used). This application allows  not only to delete duplicate files or to move them to another location,  but to replace duplicates with NTFS hard links as well (unique!).

This application was developed because I haven’t find any similar application which allows to operate NTFS-links.

• Fast search engine (byte-to-byte comparison and hard link detection algorithm are used).
• Detailed visualisation of duplicate files, NTFS hard links, junction points and symbolic links (unique!).
• Shows fragmentation of files (unique!).
• Shows compressed NTFS files in color.
• Manual and filtered selection files to delete, move or replace with NTFS hard links.
• Allows to move and delete files.
• Allows to replace files with NTFS hard links (unique!).
• Allows to compress files on NTFS volumes.
• Allows selecting disks and folders to scan.
• (New in version 2) Supports long paths (path longer than 260 characters).
• (New in version 2) Allows to save/load results.
• (New in version 2) Supports alternate NTFS-streams.
• (New in version 2) Support for checking NTFS-permissions compatibility for the files being replaced by hard links.
• (New in version 2) Supports ignoring differences in MP3-files metadata  (ID3-tags) and comparing the music MP3-content only (experimental).
• Free for non-commertial use. ( Donations to support a further development are welcome!

[b] برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 AAENa2


[center][center][center][center]برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 TsOxwu













descriptionبرنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 Emptyرد: برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1

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descriptionبرنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 Emptyرد: برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1

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descriptionبرنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1 Emptyرد: برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1

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برنامج البحث عن الملفات المكرره وازالتها Duplicate And Same Files Searcher 3.0.1
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