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descriptionاسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0 Emptyاسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0

اسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE

اسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0 Active10

تعتبر اسطوانة Active@ Partition Recovery Ultimate أداة مثالية لاستعادة البيانات.

حيث أن البرامج الموجودة فى هذه التجميعة عبارة عن نسخة ISO قابلة للتمهيد يمكنك الاقلاع منها مباشرة

(WinPE قائم على Active@ Boot Disk Lite) والتي يمكنك نسخها على اسطوانة أو فلاش USB.

وتمهيد Windows من للإقلاع من الاسطوانة أو الفلاشة لاستعادة الأقسام (بما في ذلك النظام)

وكذلك لاستعادة ملفات ومجلدات معينة من داخل بيئة Windows المألوفة.

حقيقة وعن تجربة شخصية … هذه أفضل تجميعة لاستعادة البيانات حتى الآن ..

آخر إصدار من النسخة الكاملة لهذه الاسطوانة.

Active@ Partition Recovery Ultimate is an ultimate data recovery tool set. In addition to Professional features, it contains a bootable ISO Image (WinPE based Active@ Boot Disk Lite) that you can burn to a CD-ROM or write to a USB Flash drive and boot Windows from this CD-ROM/USB to recover partitions (including the system ones) as well as to recover particular files and folders from within the familiar Windows environment.

Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE
Ultimate edition includes also Linux-based bootable Active@ LiveCD (Linux recovery environment) being able to boot all the latest x86 & x64 UEFI secure boot systems as well as standard BIOS. Universal bootable disk creator prepares DOS, Windows or Linux boot disks for any type of media (CD/DVD/BD/USB). Ultimate version also includes the Active@ File Recovery – tool to recover deleted files, files on damaged partitions and to reconstruct damaged RAID disk arrays. Active@ File Recovery allows you to save particular files in case of unsuccessful partition recovery (for example, the file system itself is severely damaged).

Active@ Partition Recovery Ultimate Features:
– Includes DOS, Windows & Linux versions in one package. Windows Installer
– LastChance recovery mode detects files by their signatures on severely damaged volumes new!
– Built-in Organizer allows to rename & organize files in folders (detected by signatures) new!
– Includes integrated Active@ Disk Editor (Hex Viewer) – low-level disk and file inspector
– Includes Active@ File Recovery – recovery tool for restoring deleted files & damaged RAIDs
– Includes WinPE-based Active@ Boot Disk Lite (Windows Recovery Environment) for recovery of system partitions on unbootable systems
– Includes OpenSUSE-based Active@ LiveCD (Linux Recovery Environment) for unbootable systems recovery, being able to boot the latest x86 & x64 UEFI secure boot – systems, and regular BIOS new!
– Bootable Disk Creator allows you to create bootable USB Flash disk, as well as CD/DVD/Blu-ray disks
– Bootable Disk customization – adding user files, changing network, security & language settings

Whats New:
Added applying Boot Sector Template (all major file systems supported) to any disk’s sector


Latest Recovery Kernel includes many improvements and bug fixes
Ultimate version: Active@ Boot Disk upgraded to WinPE based on Windows 10 build 2004
Ultimate version: Active@ LiveCD upgraded to openSUSE 15.2: Linux Kernel 5.3, KDE 5.18


مساحة الاسطوانة 425 MB




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descriptionاسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0 Emptyرد: اسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0

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اسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0 866468155

descriptionاسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0 Emptyرد: اسطوانة استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | Active Partition Recovery Ultimate WinPE 22.0.0

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