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The Bestدخول
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الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionآخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual Emptyآخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual

آخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual

آخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual D8a2d810

متصفح أوبرا Opera غنى عن التعريف وأنا أعتبره بشكل شخصى المتصفح الثالث بعد فيرفوكس وجوجل كروم . وهذا هو الحال مع نسبة زوار مدونتى .
فمتصفح أوبرا شبيه إلى حد كبير بالفيرفوكس وبه الكثير من الأدوات المشتركة بينهما وكذلك الإضافات .
ويتميز أوبرا بسرعته وخفته فى تصفح المواقع وتحميلها

It’s a fast and free alternative web browser, that includes tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, integrated searches. web browser is based on Chromium and Blink (the rendering engine used by Chromium).

It has come up with bigger guns to enter the race for the most popular web browser, as the current leading role is played between Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

The web browser has one intuitive, powerful location for searching and navigating the web.

Search using multiple providers and view site suggestions as you type.

The Discover feature gives you top-quality news and entertainment from around the globe.

also has the advanced functions such as O Mail program, the lightweight, customizable mail client that refines your email experience.

displays security badges, which give you a quick glance at the security of a page.

If the browser’s Fraud and Malware Protection detects anything potentially dangerous, it will display a popup to warn you.bookmarks bar and you will see the heartbeat.

Integrated PDF viewer. Opera has integrated a fast PDF Viewer directly into the browser so you can keep reading without changing applications.
Web notifications.

Notifications are a convenient way for webpages to inform their users about events, such as the delivery of email or a comment posted on a blog.

It’s has the Web notifications as native to your system as possible: You will receive them as normal Windows or Mac notifications.
Support for H.264 and MP3. H.264 video and MP3 Audio is widely used on the internet.

you will have native access to such content.
Syncing Bookmarks with Android. If you install browser for Android mobile and Opera on your computer, you can see cross-device syncing in action.

Go ahead! Make some bookmarks on your computer and see them appear on your Android phone.

Sync open tabs between computers. In Opera for computers, you can now sync your open tabs.
MSE+MP3 on developer stream. MSE Audio now works from within Opera, enabling playback from Google Play Music and similar services.



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تابعنا دائماً لتحميل أحدث البرامج

descriptionآخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual Emptyرد: آخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual

مشكـور على توفير المتصفح ^^

لا تحرمنا من جديدك

آخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual 866468155

descriptionآخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual Emptyرد: آخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual

يكفيني مرورك الجميل وشكرا لكي علي ردك الجميل ده
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
آخر إصدار من متصفح أوبرا | Opera 86.0.4363.32 Multilingual
 Konu BBCode BBCode
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