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Polaris Office + PDF v6.5.4 build 56

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افضل تطبيقات الاوفيس للاندوريد  Polaris Office + PDF v6.5.4 build 56 اخر اصدار 1443721396391

Requirements: 4.0+
Overview: Office application used on SmartPhone/Tablet PC/Desktop for free – Polaris Office

Polaris Office's document creation, editing, and saving features are all available without a network connection!

    Files opened in Polaris Office are saved on your local device automatically allowing users to read and edit files offline while having a back up saved on the cloud. Without a network connection files will NOT be saved to your cloud and cannot be shared through email or Social Media networks. These features require an internet connection.
     Users now receive 2GBs of free cloud storage!* Polaris Office now supports Google's Chromecast! Now you can display office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from your device onto your Chromecast connected display!*

Polaris Office is a free office application suite optimized for Smartphones and Tablets to create, edit, or read Microsoft® Word, Excel, or Powerpoint documents and view PDFs on your mobile device. Its features include:
- Create and edit Word documents, Powerpoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheet files
- Open, view, and share PDF files.
- Attach PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, and powerpoints to emails
- Share PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, and powerpoints over Social Media
- 2 GB of Free Cloud storage
- Files are automatically saved locally to the current device in use
- Edit office files shared with you
- Revised documents are updated on the cloud automatically
- Download and edit files from other cloud services (Google Drive, Drop Box, OneDrive, Box, uCloud and

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