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[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

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12 مشترك


لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

description3~[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

تذكير بمساهمة فاتح الموضوع :

THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition-

[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 6 866468155

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

anti-social perks they don't get home sick xD

true it's never easy

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦


It is impossible for me to travel abroad
[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 6 2347500315

Listening and reading for me now
are the only ways to learn

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Today was disappointing for a little bit.

I went to a company to apply for a job
I went by bus, then I walked for a while.
It's a warm day, and I got tired.
Finally, When I arrived , I talked to the secretary
He asked me for My resume , and I handed it to him
he said, "Go ahead and sit, please," so I did
Waiting and waiting

Then I entered an office, where a man was sitting at his desk.
I believe He's the HR
He welcomed me and asked me some questions
 and said, "we are going to connect with you if there are any vacancies." , why

[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 6 85156210
I'm too cute for this hard life

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Oh dear
Hard luck

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Ganbare ganbare

Never lose Hope Never give up

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[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦
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