The Best
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

The Bestدخول
●● إعلانـات ●●
إعلانك هنا إعلانك هنا إعلانك هنا
إعـلانـات المنتـدى

إحصائيات المنتدى
أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
آخر المشاركات
أفضل الاعضاء هذا الشهر
1031 المساهمات
415 المساهمات
386 المساهمات
375 المساهمات
366 المساهمات
112 المساهمات
97 المساهمات
85 المساهمات
76 المساهمات
60 المساهمات
آخر المشاركات

descriptionCoupling EmptyCoupling

Wherever he looks, standing still in the city,
are people born of coupling, walking in gray suits
and ties, in long dresses and coiffed hair,
speaking elegantly, of themselves and of each other,
forgetting for the moment their origin,
perhaps wishing not to know or to remember.
They dress as if having been born in a clothing store.

They were born of men and women naked
and gyrating from the hips
and with movements up and down
and with climactic yells,
as if losing their lives
in the pleasure and so glad,
so wildly glad.

From this rises the child
from between the wet crotch, blood and mucus,
He stands upright and pronounces himself
humankind and steps from bed and clothes himself
in a gray suit and from the next room of birth
steps a woman in a long dress. They meet
in the corridor and arm in arm walk its length
in search of one room, empty of inhabitants
but prepared for them.

David Ignatow

descriptionCoupling Emptyرد: Coupling

وآآآوات كيف هالابدااععَ صار ياتري !!

عنجد ابدااع حتي في احرفككك

ننتذر المزيد من ابدعاتكك وكلماتكك

مع تحياتي الغاليهه للتقدم والاستمرار ..$


descriptionCoupling Emptyرد: Coupling

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شكرا ^^

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