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[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

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12 مشترك

description3~[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

تذكير بمساهمة فاتح الموضوع :

THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition-

[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 3 866468155

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

ohhh, i talking about the comics XDDDD

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

you know I can't see stuff once they come out here
I gotta wait for the Blu-ray
tho I'm not that excited since both critics and fans seem unpleased

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Hope كتب:
anyone seen Venom this weekend?

I heard some of the movie soundtracks
!!and they were AMAZING

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Everyone is watching movies at the cinema while
I'm stuck here struggling with school projects and test
I can't wait for the day I graduate  [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 3 2131699084

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

not everyone Hazu
I'm kinda in your shoes rn

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Sad life XD

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Hey wow I didn't notice this topic

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

yeah i noticed it .. but it was dead 

just like my brain inside 

anyway , nice to meet you xD

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

What's up Oji

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

sorry my mind were floating into the air 

TIRED  Sako 

also i'm hungry 
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[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦
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