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[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

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12 مشترك


لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

description3~[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

تذكير بمساهمة فاتح الموضوع :

THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition-

[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 5 866468155

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

cuz her keyboard doesn't support some arabic letters which made it hard for her i believe
we helped her in coffee chat
fixed the issue

she started writing in arabic for a bit then came back to english

maybe cuz she used to it

like saying Salam

maybe it was weird saying what she used to type in english in arabic ? maybe
and english made more sense to her


Welcome Old my Dear anti-social friend xD

to our English chat room hehe [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 5 454232214

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

she's from Qatar
How lucky  Very Happy [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 5 2131699084

I like arabic language ,
but I would like to have the English language as my native language

or at least ..
I wish I had studied it earlier
It's 2023
and Moroccan schools still insist on teaching French as a second language
[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 5 514077704

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Oh how boring!!!

In Egypt, we study three languages, French is the third one.

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

I hate French

I think English is enough
In Morocco, the English language is the third one.
I started studying it in 9th grade
but recently they started teaching it in elementary school

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

Really i do hate the accent of the french
Its really difficult to study learning english too late
Here some students can start studying English in the kg levels.

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦


The worst part is
The standard of teaching is poor

I didn't know what "Idoms" meant in school
it's that bad

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

I can accept this only if the priority in the market is for French speakers.

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

yes it is

but still , it's unacceptable

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

go abroad and tatakae

[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦   - صفحة 5 3587879059

description3~رد: [THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦

I do agree with you although its not easy to stay away from your family.
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
[THE BEST Chat Room -English Edition- | Issue No. [01 ♦ ♦
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