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The Bestدخول
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الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionCheese Omelette EmptyCheese Omelette


2 eggs , beaten
1 ¾ oz mixed cheese , grated
4 Tbsp clarified butter
salt and pepper
parsley , for garnish
1 non-stick frying pan
1 spatula
1 brush
Step 2Prepare the pan
Place a pan over a medium heat. Allow it to slightly warm through and brush the bottom with some of the melted butter.
Step 3Cook the omelette
Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and gently stir continuously until they begin to set. Angle the pan so that the raw eggs run to the side and cook. Add the cheese into the middle of the omelette, in a line then gently fold it up in three rolls. Take the pan off the heat and slide the omelette onto a serving plate, the open side first

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الســلام عليــكم و رحمــة الله .. ~

مــوضــوع رآأئــع

شكــرا جزيــــلا

بــإنــتظــآأر كــلّ جديــدك

تحيــآاتے .. ~

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شكرآ على الوصفـة الرآئعـة

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شكرآ على الوصفـة الرإآآئعـة

بإنتظآر كل جديد منـ

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بإنتــظآر كــل جديـد منكـ

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السلآم عليكم

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انتظر جديدك ~

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